
Important Notices and Disclaimers

Your access to and use of the Murray Franklyn Family of Companies Web site (the "Site") constitutes your acceptance of, agreement to and compliance with the following provisions. If you do not agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions, please click on the BACK button on your Web browser until you have left this Site.


Each member of the Murray Franklyn Family of Companies is a separate corporate entity. The information provided on this Site is intended for general informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer, solicitation, promise or commitment of any member of the Murray Franklyn Family of Companies (collectively the "Murray Franklyn Companies"). While the Murray Franklyn Companies strive for accuracy, it is not possible to ensure that all information contained in this Site is correct. The Site may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. By its nature, some information contained in the Site such as home prices, availability of properties,. etc. changes frequently. It is not possible to update the Site each time any of the information contained herein is updated or changed. As a result, no one is authorized to rely on any of the information contained in this Site and none of the Murray Franklyn Companies nor any party involved in the creation, production or delivery of information in this Site are liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or any other damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this Site or in reliance on the information contained or referenced herein including any personal injury, loss of use, lost data, lost profits or any other pecuniary loss. The agents listed in this Site can assist you in obtaining the most complete, up-to-date and accurate information regarding any of the properties described herein. Neither the Murray Franklyn Companies nor any party involved in the creation, production or delivery of information in this Site warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links or other items contained in the Site. Each of the Murray Franklyn Companies disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, of any kind regarding the use of the Site or the information contained herein including all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or any warranties which may arise from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice.


Certain words, phrases, names, designs, or logos used on this Site may constitute trade mark, service marks or trade names of members of the Murray Franklyn Family of Companies or other entities. The display of any trade marks on this Site does not imply that a license has been granted for any further use.


Copyright© 2000, MFC Service Corp. All rights reserved.
The information contained in this Site is provided by members of the Murray Franklyn Family of Companies as a service to the public and is intended to be used for personal informational purposes only. Users of this Site are granted a limited and revocable license to use the information contained in this Site for their own personal non-commercial purposes only. Any other use of the information is prohibited. Reproduction without permission is strictly prohibited.

The Members of the Murray Franklyn Family of Companies are Equal Opportunity Builders

Information on this Site may be subject to the Fair Housing Act of 1968, as amended, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. All homes advertised by members of the Murray Franklyn Family of Companies are available on an equal opportunity basis.

No Endorsement

This Site may contain links to other Web sites or references to other service providers. The Murray Franklyn Companies do not assume responsibility for the accuracy or the appropriateness of the information contained at such other sites nor does it endorse the products or services advertised or sold thereon or provided by any companies mentioned in this Site.